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File: find_match.php

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File: find_match.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example - Finds a class pattern from the submited user profile (see index.html - HTML form)
Class: Perceptron
Perceptron implementation for pattern recognition
Author: By
Last change: Fixed gender bug.
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 2,624 bytes


Class file image Download
Author: André Paterlini Oliveira Vieira (
Date: June 05 2004
Institution: Mackenzie - Computer and Informatics College (
Instructor(teacher): Antonio Luiz Basile

The following PHP script shows a real implementation of a RNA Perceptron.

The object of this script is to find a class pattern from the submited user profile (see index.php - HTML form)
and find a match for it consulting an marriage agency people database.

Remember this algorithm is for educational use!!


    //Declarates classes and instanciate it
$rna_class = new perceptron();
//Setup Debug Mode
$rna_class->debug = true;
//Defines a training input data
$training_array = array(
"x1" => $_POST["p1"], "x2" => $_POST["p2"], "x3" => $_POST["p3"], "x4" => $_POST["p4"], "o" => 1
"x1" => (-1 * $_POST["p1"]), "x2" => (-1 * $_POST["p2"]), "x3" => (-1 * $_POST["p3"]), "x4" => (-1 * $_POST["p4"]), "o" => -1

//Train the RNA
$train_result = $rna_class->train($training_array, 1, 1);
/*************** TESTS ***************/
    //Defines a set of tests
$testing_array["male"] = array(
"João" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => 1, "x3" => -1, "x4" => 1
"Pedro" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => 1, "x3" => -1, "x4" => -1
"José" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => 1
"Mané" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => -1, "x4" => 1
"Vilmar" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => 1
"Flavio" => array(
"x1" => -1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => 1
"Paulo" => array(
"x1" => 1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => -1, "x4" => -1

$testing_array["female"] = array(
"Maria" => array(
"x1" => -1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => -1
"Karina" => array(
"x1" => -1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => -1, "x4" => -1
"Catia" => array(
"x1" => -1, "x2" => -1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => 1
"Flavia" => array(
"x1" => -1, "x2" => 1, "x3" => 1, "x4" => 1
// Now tests the database ($testing_array data) against the trainned network
$matchs = array();
$testing_array[$_POST["sex"]] as $name => $subject_data) {
        if (
$rna_class->test_class($subject_data, $train_result) == true) {
$matchs[] = $name;
// Prints the names of people that fit the same class in wich the user input was applied to
echo "The system found " . count($matchs) . " person(s) that match with your profile: " . implode(", ", $matchs) . ".";